T​o date $203,203 has been given to AIA projects
through the Jeff Stanley Memorial Fund

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The universal language of sports establishes connections and open doors that are often closed to other means of evangelistic ministry.

Since its inception, the Jeff Stanley Memorial Fund has worked each year with AIA’s Global Outreach leadership to encourage national and regional AIA ministry teams to submit project proposals for potential funding support.

Each year several of the projects have had some or all of the project’s expenses covered by gifts from the fund. The project proposals are submitted early in the year. Gifts from the fund are then announced at an annual AIA leadership conference in early spring so that project planning can continue with the amount of funding support known.

Actual funding gifts from the Jeff Stanley Memorial Fund are disbursed each year to the selected projects on June 3rd – Jeff’s birthday.

All donations go directly to the selected projects.  Select a year to see a description of the projects sponsored by the Jeff Stanley Memorial Fund.

NOTE: Because of resistance to or even persecution of Christians in some areas where AIA is ministering, exact locations and details are intentionally vague.  Please pray for God's Church worldwide and the ministry of AIA.