​​AIA Philippines/Southeast Asia Basketball Coaches Academy

Provided funding to initiate an AIA Basketball Coaches Academy in the Philippines.  Modeled after a successful AIA International Basketball Academy, it will train basketball coaches who will also be discipled in the gospel.  The purpose will be to equip coaches to use basketball to make a spiritual difference in the lives of hundreds of players in the region.  The ultimate goal is that this will further accelerate the overall impact of AIA ministry in Southeast Asia.

AIA Ethopia/Sports Training Centers

Provided funding to establish 3 sports training centers in Ethiopia.  AIA has had an active presence in Ethiopia for the last 7 years where it has been involved in evangelism despite opposition efforts to Islamize this historically Christian nation.  The goal of AIA Ethiopia is to expand this ministry to 15 Sports Training Centers in Ethiopia and neighboring countries.  

AIA South Africa/ Ultimate Training Camp (UTC)

Provided scholarship funding for student and professional athletes to attend the UTC.  This sports camp is designed to equip these athletes with tools to help apply their faith within their sport and their teams.  

AIA Pakistan/Christian Super League Cricket Tournament

Provided funding to build on the success of last year's inaugural Cricket tournament.  Cricket is immensely popular in Pakistan and these tournaments draw large crowds of participants and spectators.  In addition to providing training and enjoyment of the sport, it directly shares the gospel through testimonies, literature and media distribution. 


AIA Mongolia/Soccer Tour

Provided funding enabling a tour by the AIA Christian soccer team to visit different cities and provinces within Mongolia.  Well known and popular throughout the Mongolian soccer world, the AIA team will share soccer and the Gospel with opposing team players, parents, local fans, soccer and government officials.

2017 Projects