2013 Projects

AIA Latvia/Game Day Glory

Provided funding for the translation and publication of AIA’S book, “Game Day Glory” into Latvian. This book is one of the best materials available to learn about life changing Christian principles for sport.

AIA Cameroon/New Life and Sports Training Courses 

Provided funding needed for the intensive training of fifteen athletes/leaders using the New Life Training Centre Course of Campus Crusade and also the AIA Sports Training Course. The training is comprised of five levels of training held throughout the year as well as supervised field work. The ultimate goal is that upon completion these leaders will be fully equipped to start fifteen spiritual movements within the sports milieu in Cameroon.

AIA Ethiopia/Translation of AIA Resource Manual 

Provided funding for the translation of the AIA Resource Manual into the Amharic language. The AIA team in Ethiopia has three ministry centers reaching over 2,000 athletes involved in small groups and Bible study. Sixty athletes have participated in the Action Leaders Basic Training. An additional sixty athletes have been given basic discipleship training. It is critical to have training materials available in their own language so these potential leaders can in turn train others.

AIA Thailand/Asia Pacific Beach Tchoukball Championship

The Asia Pacific Beach Tchoukball Championship Project Provided additional funding for the first championship game and training camp to be held for this sport in preparation for the Southeast Asia Games. Pranee Boonkliang, an AIA staff member in Thailand will be hosting this event.

*Note:  Tchoukball was created in Switzerland in the ‘70s. It is growing in Asia and Europe in popularity. It is a non-contact sport combining certain aspects of team handball, basketball, and soccer. It requires a net, 7 people per team and can be played indoors or outdoors on a court or space similar to a basketball court."